
  • Multi-step deep cleaning and polishing system
  • Restoration of heavily oxidized gelcoat
  • Superior swirl free finish
  • Professional wet sanding
  • Permanent coatings

Yacht Surface Restoration specializes in the restoration and protection gelcoat finishes.

Gelcoat is by its nature a harder surface along with being generally thicker and longer lasting than its counterpart – marine paints. Gelcoat is the preferred coating for fiberglass boats by far and as such is the most prolific surface in the marine recreational industry.

While its longevity and benefits have been well established there have been some setbacks with gelcoat especially colored gelcoat. With the advancements in shine and color formulations so along with it other problems have popped up, such as UV discoloration and premature fading. Another problem is the random “yellowing” of gelcoat, especially gelcoat exposed to the sun, this type of problem is often confused with bad paint patches. Also there is a third problem and that is the porous nature of some gel coats, giving rise to the difficulty of keeping a shine on the surface and having most waxes, polishes and even cleaners soak into the surface and leaving it looking blotchy.

Gelcoat benefits greatly from proper care but knowing what products to use and how to use them can be confusing, laborious and daunting given the amount of products on the market today. However, not caring for the surface will lead to oxidation, deterioration and if left long enough- eventual failure of the gelcoat itself; allowing water to permeate into the fiberglass and causing blisters and eventually delamination.

Yacht Surface Restoration’s knowledgeable crew know how to take care of these problems. We lead the industry in cutting edge techniques and technology and provide solutions custom tailored for our customers needs. Our existing processes provide the best swirl free finishes obtainable with outstanding clarity and our sealants are the longest lasting in the industry. The products we use will never damage the surface and are the best, most innovative on the market today. All this to provide the best looking finish while adding years to the life of the gelcoat.

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